Sunday 3 April 2022

Spring Nails

Friday I had a hair cut and colour, and also got my nails done. 

Ice cream (or possibly mini egg) colours, and lace. 

You'll have to click on the photos to enlarge them if you want to see the lace though, Sadly it doesn't show up against the pastel colours as well as I would have liked. 

All this titivating is in a good cause, We are (DV) off to Glasgow on Tuesday for Son No 2's Covid-delayed B/A. celebration. Uni very hot on pointing out it's not a graduation ceremony for technically wibbly wobbly reasons, but anyway, whatever it is, we're going. Perhaps he will get a 'proper' ceremony for his M A in due course. Anyway the graduation thing is Wednesday, Thursday, covid willing we'll be visiting Scottish Opera for something or other and then going shopping for sheets. We have ordered a new mattress and it's about deep enough to feature in an illustration of The Princess and th Pea. Well, not quite, but we will need extra deep sheets, so that's another trip to some branch or other of M & S to source them in time for the mattress coming. And then we'll be back Friday. 

I have been feeling quite wobbly all week but much better, if not 100%, today so hoping that by Tuesday I'll be full of my usual bounce - such as it is, ad ready to enjoy myself. 


  1. Gorgeous nails! Hope your trip goes smoothly x

    1. It's letting you comment again then?
