Sunday 22 August 2021

Baking Subscription August


This was Blackberry Coconut Crumble Squares. 

You had to make your own blackberry jam which created its own drama here as fresh blackberries were not to be had for love nor ready money locally and even frozen ones took two trips to the supermarket to get hold of. And when they'd been found and bought the jam proved, as so often with things I boil up in pans, resistant to thickening. 

In the event it did thicken up after several hours cooling, which I suppose is a step better than the lemon curd I made for the Viennese whirl biscuits which took several days and was too late to be of much use. 

After the jam you made and baked the base, then you made crumble with oats and coconut and stuff, and spread the jam and then the crumble on the top, and then sprinkled it with flaked almonds and then baked it all again, and when it came out of the oven you topped it with icing sugar. 

Can you tell it was all a bit of a faff? 

But apart from that Mrs Lincoln...? well, yes it tasted good. we had it warm with custard for pudding yesterday and we all agreed it was delicious. Delicious enough to justify the time and effort spent making it? Imagine a hand held flat and wibble-wobbling. 

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