Thursday 29 October 2020

A Day for Finishing Things

That's what yesterday was. 

I finished a pair of socks. This was the third of the five pairs I'm wanting to do before Christmas, and the first skein knitted up from the wool I bought in Pittenweem in September. These are for me. And although they're  a bit more colourful than I usually go for I like them. 

I also (finally finally) finished what has been my 'current' jigsaw puzzle for absolutely ages. I cannot imagine, looking at it, why I ever thought it was a good idea to buy it. Not only are there multiple images of the same thing on there but the pieces do not all interlock, a large number of them simply adjoin with sloping edges, which is an absolute nightmare. This one was finished yesterday evening, re-boxed this morning and is already in the library/charity shop pile. Later this afternoon I shall look out a puzzle that I know I will enjoy doing, I feel  deserve it, after fighting my way through this one.

The day was sadly rather too short to allow me to finish the latest Saturday Slaughters book from the library crime readers group. This is sad, because I would dearly have liked to have it finished and out of the house. It's  The Memory Wood by Sam Lloyd, and if you enjoy stories about young teenage girls being kidnapped and tortured it will be right up your street. Otherwise I would suggest you leave it alone. 


  1. Well done on the socks, and I look forward to you getting the other two out of the house 😱😱

  2. I agree 100% about weird jigsaw pieces that do not interlock - they should not be a thing.
