Saturday 12 September 2020

The Plastic Box Project

Way way back before C19 had even been heard of, in that dead time between Christmas and New Year I re-organised some of my wool stash, and in particular I put most of my old DK wool (some of it inherited from my mother, who died in 2004) into a big plastic box and pushed it under the guest room bed, with the idea that I would 'do something with it, one day'. 

Here it is 

At the beginning of August I decided for some reason that 'one day' had come and that I would devote all my knitting time, bar the time I needed for my Mystery Blanket squares, to knitting up the wool from the box. 

And I did. I knitted cardigans

and burial gowns 

and lots and lots of hats ....

and now the box looks like this

It was an interesting exercise and I'm glad I used up so much wool, but I did rather run out of steam towards the end. So  I won't do it for a whole month again, or at least not for a while. I'm not averse to maybe a week once a month to get the box emptied - I mean how good would that be? Something to aim for. But not just yet. 

1 comment:

  1. When I was doing a lot of charity knitting, I got to the point where I would look at a ball of yarn and just not be able to face making *anything at all* with it. You’re right, you need to take breaks xx
