Tuesday 8 September 2020


This isn't the post I was expecting to write today. Last night I started experiencing very severe pain at the top of my left leg. Assuming I had been siting awkwardly I manoeuvred myself up from the sofa, not without some ooos, and ows deserving of an Oscar nomination had I not been actually feeling the pain and not  acting, and took myself off to bed expecting everything to have sorted itself out by morning. Alas, after an uncomfortable night things were no better so I rang the doctor for an appointment for a  phone consultation.

He diagnosed back trouble, told me to take painkillers, keep active and expect it to be better within 1-2 weeks. He also mentioned losing some weight, although he added 'that's a long term measure'. Too right it's a long term measure, it's so long term I seem to have been trying to do it for three decades without signal success. 

Oh well, once the back's better it's try again time I suppose. Sitting in a chair, or more to the point getting in and out of a chair is quite difficult just now so it's a sort post before I lock into position! 


  1. Ouch - hope that the recovery time is shorter than the 2 weeks, and even shorter than the one week!

    1. thank you. I hope so too, but going on previous experience I suspect it will be somewhere between the two.

  2. Ooh, that sounds nasty - I hope it’s back to normal as quickly as possible xx
