Wednesday 29 July 2020

Not a haircut but

a little bit of now-allowable self care

Grey base coat with a sparkly top. They are fabulous. They were done locally and the girl who did them even gave me a lift home afterwards since the weather was so foul.

It's been foul for days and we're really missing our walks. I've also had to give up my Scottish Ballet live stream dance classes as one of my knees suddenly decided that it didn't want to bend unless I was willing to put up with some fairly eye-watering  pain. I hope this isn't permanent. I'm holding off for a week, then I'll do some of the less strenuous ones and see how I go. I do hope I don't have to give it up altogether and can go back to the ones which feature work at the barre as I really really enjoy it. Now of course I'm stressing about not getting exercise despite the fact that before lowdown we led fairly sedentary lives which we've basically been forced back to but only while the weather is bad. I'm trying to convince myself that there won't be gales and lashing rain here for the rest of my life. 

There is some good news on the haircut front though. My hairdresser re-opened as soon as she was allowed. Sadly I didn't catch up with her announcement and the opportunity to book an appointment for 24 hours, so when I rang up on Monday last week, the earliest she could fit me in was 11th August! So still a shaggy pony for my birthday then, but sleek 1920s bob for going away at the end of the month. 

1 comment:

  1. Lovely polish! I can’t wait for my shaggy mane to be tidied 😉
