Thursday 30 July 2020

Been there, Not done that!

Here's a photo of the latest completed jigsaw puzzle; Sydney Harbour. I bought this some time ago and this is the first time I've tackled it. I put it off because I felt obliged to buy it* and then wasn't convinced I could do it. 

*I had gone into a jigsaw shop in the Meadowhall Centre in Sheffield not realising that it was just about to close. The girl kept the shop open for me and looked this out when I asked if they had any puzzles of Sydney. So when she found it I didn't feel I could say I didn't want it. 

Anyway I have done it now. In fact it was much easier than anticipated, except for the sky. The sky was just a whole bunch of protracted trouble, but I finished it nevertheless. 

This one is naturally a keeper, partly because it's a nice picture and a good quality puzzle but mainly for the memories it brings back of trips to Sydney. Who knows how long it will be before we get to go again, if indeed we ever do? 

The thing I haven't done is the bridge climb. I feel I should, because of facing your fears, and good views from the top and a feeling of achievement etc etc. The sad truth is that my vertigo is probably too severe  for me to even think about it. 

But there again, one day, who knows? 

1 comment:

  1. It’s a very pretty sky, but I can just imagine that it would be a nightmare to put together!
