Tuesday 24 March 2020

Just a little thing

Ages ago a friend gave me this photo frame for Christmas and it has just sat in a box with other photo frames,some actually with photos in, in our spare rom more or less ever since. This wasn't because I didn't like it, but because we didn't have any photos small enough to go into it. 

I'm currently undertaking a rolling program of decluttering the house; it's a very relaxed thing which involves me in deciding during the week what I'm going to sort at the weekend and then doing it. Usually it's small task so that I don't get bored and give up on the whole idea.  Have to say as a result my airing cupboard has never looked so empty or so tidy .... and there are other places in the house which have benefitted too. 

Sorting the 'box with the photos' was on the list a few weeks ago and several ugly and/or superfluous frames have gone off to a charity shop. This one I decided I had to do something with,so on Sunday I spent some time just putting little bits of fabric into the frames. Considering I am not  sewer I have quite the collection of small pieces of fabric. 

And I really like it. It's just a little piece of not very much but it looks lovely and it means I have done something with a nice frame and some pretty material rather than leave them both languishing in boxes unseen and unused. 

That has to be a result, doesn't it? 

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