Sunday 22 March 2020

I Wanna Do All The Things ....

and I wanna do them  now.

So, in these times of Coronavirus crisis,  we are cutting social contact as much as we can. I have to say this does not take a great deal of effort for us because the OH works at home anyway and we're not particularly social types. Any outsider looking at our lives three weeks ago and then again now would find it difficult to tell the difference, but there is a bit of cutting back; -  and a dearth of future planning, which is where we are feeling the difference. 

This was supposed to be the year when, after not travelling for ages because I couldn't see and then when I could see having a thesis to finish, we were gong to start playing catch up. Well the world had other ideas. Two trips south for the opera cancelled already. Trying currently to make contact with the booking company to transfer out Cornish holiday booking , which was for next month, to next year. Living in daily expectation of having our trip to Verona cancelled and the big Ruby Wedding Anniversary trip to Oz in September is also looking doubtful.

Don't get me wrong, I am not breaking my heart over this. These things happen and I am actually taking it more or less in my stride. I am very aware that we are fortunate in Orkney, because we have, so far, no confirmed cases of CV here, and I hope it will stay tat way. And equally, the surroundings are beautiful so that although life is closing down around us in many ways at least we have lovely places to walk. 

The problem I am having is that my little mind has gone into overdrive with all the things I can do now I 'have the time'. This is madness, because since I finished my Ph D I have had all the time I wanted to do anything. I think now though, I feel I have been given permission to do all the nice things without guilt, because we're all keeping ourselves to ourselves and we're all looking for things to do. 

So I scurry from one library book to the next; which shall I read? That's daft because all loans are currently unlimited because the library is shut and we can't take them back. I probably have 12 weeks to read these four books. I don't need to rush through them, or the electronc one I borrowed, or my Audble books that aren't finished. I do not need to rush to finish the big Lego project, or cast on half a dozen new knitting projects or try out all the crafts I have lned up and waiting. I do not have to answer all my outstanding letters, or ring up everyone I know who might be feeling a bit down, or blog about everything and then some. 

No, what I need to do is calm down and learn to pace myself. To read one book at a time, knit one thing at a time, take everything more slowly and enjoy the doing of it as much as I possibly  can. I need to keep busy, but I don't need to be manic. 


  1. I do know what you mean - with so many possibilities, choosing one feels like shutting the door on all the others. It really does take an effort of will to get a grip!

  2. so glad you understood what I was getting at and that it's not just me!
