Thursday 2 January 2020

Frustration Setting in Already!

Knitting wise this was/is going to be the year of the jumper. I have one jumper part completed, and pattern and wool for two more, plus a barely started jumper kit. And there were anther couple of patterns lined up in my mental queue. OK so I would never manage six jumpers in a year but I was going to make a Good Start. 
Yesterday I looked out the wool for the first one on my list; an aran weight with a fair isle yolk. Then I went to get the pattern. It wasn't where it 'should' be. Nor was it in many places where it 'shouldn't' be either. Not in with the wool for knitting it, not with the magazines with patterns 'to be knitted' in them, not with my other live projects: in short it was nowhere to be found. 
Also yesterday, a friend posted a story on Facebook with a link to a small charity I had not previously heard of but which spoke to me, and in keeping with my new intention to spread a little more help and positivity around I decided I would give them a small donation today and then message the friend to thank her for putting up the link. Oh me, oh my. When I tried to donate, I got a message saying I couldn't as the recipient wasn't set up to receive payments electronically. Although according to the website it was. So, no donation, no message of thanks to friend. Because you can't send a message saying 'Thank you for alerting me to this but due to their technical issues I couldn't give them any money.'
 At certain times in previous years I would have been totally overset by either of these things, let alone both. But as I was determined to retain my positivity I Rose Above. I have sent the charity an e-mail asking how to donate by cheque and as for the pattern - I won't have thrown it away, it must be somewhere in the house and it will turn up in due course. In the meantime I concentrated yesterday on the projects I am currently working on, reminding myself that if I manage to get any of them finished before the jumper pattern turns up I will feel a lot less guilty about casting on something new. 
New Year, new me? It won't last. But I'll have it while it lasts. 


  1. Have you looked in the fridge? 😉😉

  2. When looking for your pattern, could you keep an eye out for my purple pencil case in which I keep sundries of a knitting and looming nature, because it has likewise placed itself somewhere immensely safe?
