Friday 30 November 2018

Lookee. lookee ....

So tomorrow sees the start of Advent, which is a time of year that I sort of love, except for the bits where I get stressed out about how fast Christmas is approaching, and there is always of course the Pre-Christmas meltdown to get past. Advent is going to be a very busy time for me this year as I try to complete the revision of my thesis at the same time as organise Christmas, and go away for three days as well.  However I am going to try and be mindful and centred and efficient-but-relaxed for the next twenty five days. I've made a start by getting all but six of the cards off already. And that is early, even for me!  

Possibly I'll be hugely helped by this, a (not so ) little something the OH bought me when we were last in Glasgow.

What is it, do I hear you cry? Well it is an advent calendar from Arran Aromatics 

That's what it looks like once the ribbon is off.. I'm looking forward to opening up the first little box tomorrow to see what it conceals. And gosh! doesn't this make finding a topic for the blog very easy from the 1st -24th December? Although we might find a few more things of interest to comment on as we wend our way  hurtle onwards to Christmas. 

1 comment:

  1. Oooh, lovely! I do love Arran Aromatics stuff 😄

    We got your card today. Richard says thank you for the absence of glitter xxx
