Sunday 25 November 2018

If you want to know where I am ....

and yes you can sing that title to the tune of Gilbert and Sullivan's 'If you want to know who we are'.

Anyway, if you do want to know where I am, I am down the rabbit hole that is known as writing a thesis Literature Review, a long and tedious task which involves you in writing about everything you read in preparation for writing and pointing out where everybody else who has every written about the topic got it wrong whereas you yourself have got it totally right. 

I am not good at shouting about how much better my ideas are than anyone else's at the best of times and the best of times believe me, is not when comitting the thought to paper for posterity. Not that anyone in posterity is likely to look at this, but even so, the thought that someone might freaks me out ever so slightly. 

Anyway it is done, but there are fiddly bits to do tomorrow like check  it's in compliance with the  relevant style guide and has all the right references. Referencing is my weakness as long term readers will know. However needs must and I shall do my best. I suspect this will take most of tomorrow, after which I will come up for air,  aka knocking off a few chores before I dive back down the rabbit hole on Tuesday to write an appendix comparing and contrastng schizophrenia, bi-polar one and bi-polar two. I might also have time to blog about the local tree lighting. Because yes, we went.