Monday 30 July 2018

Just because I like it ....

When we had our quick trip to Leeds last month I took this off the shelf and put it in my bag to read.

It's not something recommended by anyone else, it wasn't on my bedside pile and it certainly doesn't feature on the 100 books to read poster. But every now and again I find, I need to reach for an old favourite.

I've loved Nicholas Stuart Gray's books since I fell across The AppleStone in my school library when I was 12. I subsequently read as many of his books as I could lay my hands on, and as he was still alive at the time, bought his later ones as they came out. Over many many years I finally managed to collect all his novels and short story collections; it took time and patience and a haunting of e-bay, but I did it in the end. It seemed harder than it should have been given that he wasn't hugely prolific.

Obviously these are books for children, but then I am quite 'into' children's literature and in fact my M Litt thesis a few years ago was on Stuart Gray, examining the use he makes of the Gaelic Otherworld in his work. (Quite a lot). Because although he lived in Devon for the latter part of his life, he was a Scot and Scottish and Gaelic themes underlie a lot of his stories. 

I've done a lot of reading in my time but only two authors have ever made me cry. Stuart Gray is one of them - and  he did it twice! Once was in this book - Over the Hills to Fabylon - and yes, despite being prepared, I cried at exactly the same place this time around as I originally did when I was a hard and cynical 19 year old and as I have every time I have read the book since.

In another part of the forest my eye seems to be healing nicely. I still can't use shampoo, wear make up, go swimming, bend down or lift heavy objects and I have another 3 plus weeks of nasty stinging eye drops. But as a price to pay for being able to see - I'll take all that and more. 


  1. An author I have previously not encountered. I feel a pressing need to correct this omission . . .

  2. Me too also as well! I can’t believe I’ve never heard of him....

  3. well if you like Diana Wynne Jones you will lurv NSG.
