Monday 9 July 2018

Finally and at last

I have a date for my cataract operation, which is the 25th of this month.

This means I can now move from stressing about the fact that I have no date to starting to worry that something will go wrong. This is progress of a sort. 

It does also mean that the tickets I bought for the 26th, to see son no 2 in Scottish Opera's community Pagliacci, only a few hours before the postman brought the letter with the date, are now unusable - by us anyway.

This is the second time in as many weeks that we have bought tickets for an event that we then weren't able to use. I suppose I could start placing myself by a street drain and throwing tenners down it, which would cut out the hassle of buying the tickets in the first place. 

Life is horribly unsettled just now. On the upside I do now have a definite date and the prospect that in a couple of months I will see better than I ever have in my life before. That's got to be worth a small smile. I'm trying to raise it. 

1 comment:

  1. How irritating! We had tickets for Macbeth in the temporary Elizabethan theatre in York, but it was when I was in hospital....

    Good luck with the ops. You won’t need it xxxxx
