Sunday 25 February 2018

Baking Club Box 3

This was orange and almond cake, although the inclusion of almond is a bit misleading because the only almonds to be seen and (almost) tasted were the ones on the top.


I'm not sure how nice they make it look, but however that may be, it looks a lot nicer than it tastes. 

I'm not saying it's inedible because it's not, but it is quite bland, despite including a syrup made from the juice of four (yes four) oranges and the zest from them all being incorporated as well. The syrup didn't really thicken very much and it also filled the kitchen with that smell of hot orange juice which I dislike so much. 

We also had a minor disaster while I was making the buttercream as most of the kitchen got covered in a thin layer of icing sugar, much to the OH's not-very-stifled annoyance. Robbie the Robot was allowed, grudgingly, to come and get it off the floor, and the two of us saw to the rest. I am not myself convinced that the chair seats, which afer all had been well tucked under the table, needed going over twice with a damp cloth and heavy sighs, but that's what they got from the OH whether they needed it or not.

I would have minded all that less, had the cake been nicer. But there you go.

Glasgow was fab, busy but fab, and I'll write it up very soon. 


  1. If you want a break you can send OH here to clean though . . . the cake sounded as though it should be nice, pity it wasn't.

  2. Sorry it was disappointing. There’s nothing sadder than a disappointing cake 😉

  3. The cake is great... very orangy. unlike a cloud of fine sugar in the air to be inhaled directly into the lungs/bloodstream... doesn't mix well with diabetes!!
