Sunday 19 November 2017


The OH is not very busy at work just now and as we all know I am learning to live a life without the ever present Ph D studies, so we were uncharacteristically busy last week. 

Well not on Monday as we were both catching up with sleep; him because he was tired from all the driving, and me because,  although I don't sleep terribly well at the best of times, I sleep even less well when I'm on my own.

Tuesday we went back to the Training Restaurant at the college. It's a new year of students and they're just starting out so things aren't perfect, but I'm looking forward to watching them grow, and there's nothing really wrong with their food. This week's lasagne was very nice - we both had that and then we had different  desserts so that we could swap half way through. I was confirmed in my opinion  that banoffee has no business being a thing. The almond sponge on the bakewell tart was delicious, but sadly the pastry required the aid of a chisel to cut through it. Never mind, Im not that much of a pastry fan really. The OH, who was recently diagnosed with diabetes, has no business going near desserts at all, but he seems to manage it very well, and the occasional sweet thing doesn't seem to affect his blood sugar levels so I don't nag. 

Wednesday we went to the latest exhibition at the local craft cooperative workshop; we missed the opening due to the OH being away. It was by a very talented textile artist; luckily the only thing of hers we could afford had already been sold but I did succumb and buy myself a pendant she'd done, which I haven't as yet got around to photographing. We followed that up with a visit to a relatively new eating place down in St Margeret's Hope, which I have been to before and he hasn't. They have really really nice cappuccino, and I discovered this week that their scnes aren't bad either. 

On Thursday evening we trailed all the way over to Douby for a Christmas Craft Fair, which was basically a sale of work and many opportunities to pay what a friend calls the 'Orkney Tax', which is buying raffle tickets. I think I have mentioned before that whenever three Orcadians get together they feel obiged to have a raffle. It wasn't at all what we were expecting, since we thought it was more Craft than craft if you get my drift, and it was also heaving with people, many of whom apparently were unaware of the existence of deodorants. The queues for the tea and coffee were horribly long too, so we didn't stay long. Since it's 30 miles away we were a bit cross, butt there gain, no-one held a pistol to our heads to make us go, and we just wont go again. I had hoped to look at some of the jewellery from Alison Moore because I am a big fan of her stacking rings, but, despite the fact that her name was associated with the event all over the advertising she wasn't there. I suspect she was in  her own studio which is somewhere in Dounby but it was too cold and dark to go looking for it so we came home.

Friday we went 'to the pictures'. This is an extremely rare event for us,partly because we tend not to like the same sort of films, the OH having, as I'm sure many will recall, an aversion to 'sad ends'. Goodness the unfair stick I got when I borrowed City of Angels to watch; it's not like I knew she died half way through. Sheesh! Anyway on tis occasion we went to see Blade Runner 2049; the OH being a huge fan of all the various permutations of the original, if anyone can decide quite what constitutes the original of a film the director has re-cut more often that he has had hot dinners. I wasn't expecting much, which was a good thing as not much was what I got. The OH on the other hand did have expectations so was disappointed, poor lamb. I think that on the evidence of the film I can safely say that the future, contrary to a  popular advertisement, is neither bright nor orange.

After a busy week I wanted to settle down and do a lot of knitting yesterday. Alibi duly presented me with 10 hours worth of Miss Marple, and I learned that I am actually not capable of sitting and watching 10 hours of cosy detective drama which is a good thing, but during the time I did watch I had the unexpected  opportunity to swoon over Christopher Villiers, who is a but of a pretty boy, but I like to watch him.

We will draw a veil over visit of Oldest Cat to vet for check up on Saturday as he has to go back for an intestinal scan on Thursday which bodes no good for health of either cat or wallet, but as he seems well 'in himself' we are Not Going to Worry, or at leas not until the scan has been done.


  1. You social butterfly, you 😉😉😉 I love the description of the Orkney tax!

  2. I am 100% with you on banoffee.
