Friday 7 July 2017

Project 60 Number 51 - Vancouver

I can't say Vancouver was on my bucket list, despite being assured by many Canadians over the years that 'Brits love Vancouver'. When you press them on this as to why, they tend to say 'because it rains a lot' and I have to say this would not be a recommendation in my eyes, because I get enough rain at home and like to go somewhere warm and sunny for my holidays. 

Anyway the World Congress was in Vancouver and so to Vancouver I went. There was very little free time, but I flew out the day before it began in order to have some chance to explore. Because of the limited time and the location of the conference hotel I only got as far as Stanley Park, by way of the Seawall walk and English Bay, but that took most of the day and Stanley Park is a 'must see' anyway. We'll have to go back another time and see some more of the city and its surroundings. 

Incidentally what with my bad eyes and my inability to read maps, I was constantly getting lost in Stanley Park and I must pay tribute to a the kind and helpful citizens of Canada who do not hesitate to come up to a stranger looking at  a map with a furrowed bow and show them kindly where to go. 

You'd like pictures? Here you go.

No idea! But it made me smile. This is not quite inside the park

View of beach, trees and mountains as I walked along the seawall. Honestly, it's soooo beautiful.

In Orkney driftwood tends to twig or branch size. In British Columbia, it's whole trees. 

Rosa Rugosa, included so I can indulge in a private joke and say 'We get that at home'. 

The aptly named Lost Lagoon. I can't tell you how long it took me to find this, and yet it's quite big.

After several hours of solid walking I splashed out on a drive round the eastern side of the park in a horse drawn wagon. 

The famous totem poles

The not so famous statue of Girl in a Wet Suit. If you're thinking it looks a bit like a rip off of Copenhagen's Little Mermaid, you'd be right. Rich bloke from Vancouver goes to Copenhagen, sees Little Mermaid Statue and likes it. Comes home and approaches Danish authorities for permission to get a copy made for Vancouver. Permission, unsurprisingly refused. Rich bloke therefore commissions statue of Girl in a Wet Suit which looks amazingly like Little Mermaid. Have to love the chutzpah even while you deprecate the lack of imagination. 

Took this photo for The OH really as he loves acers and they are yet one more thing that can't be grown in Orkney.

Ship's figurehead (or possibly copy thereof) of a ship called The Empress of Japan.

You will see that the weather was sunny. It was also hot - hence the wagon ride. It didn't rain all the time we were there which we were told was a Major Thing. In the event this was all I saw of the city, but I was pleasantly surprised by it  and there is plenty more to see, so one day ..... 


  1. I nearly grew up in Vancouver! Dad had a friend there who wanted them to go into business together.....

    1. If only your Dad had done it you would now have the lovely Justin as your PM instead of the loathsome Teresa.
