Thursday 6 July 2017

Project 60 Number 50 - Flying upstairs on a plane.

I know, it's a bit random, innit? It isn't something I particularly planned to do but when I flew out to Vancouver, there I was, upstairs! You literally go up a little spiral staircase from the main cabin to get to your seat. And as I am of the generation that still finds the idea of two storey planes quite odd and exciting, and as I've never done it before, it seemed worth adding to Project 60.

That said, it didn't actually feel any different to travelling in what the OH refers to as Cattle Class  downstairs. I was still stuck behind one of those selfish and thoughtless people who immediately after take off throw their seat, without warning, into full reclining mode, thereby reducing what little legroom you have to almost none, and bruising your knees badly in the process.

I was also less than enamoured of the meal choice which was chicken curry or vegetarian pasta. The OH was given the exact same choice when he flew to Toronto a week later and we were faced with it again when we came back on Monday. As I don't like curry I opted on all three occasions for the pasta, but I wonder what my sister would do, since she eats neither curry nor pasta. Starve presumably. BA catering is not what it once was, and I feel the need to add 'even' to that! 

It's a shame that we have both come back from Canada with some nasty bug. The OH has been suffering from it since Sunday evening and thinks he may be coming to the end of it today; I didn't succumb until last night ; as a result today's To Do list has gone largely ignored in favour of lying in bed, moaning lightly every so often and then sleeping. As it seems to be a 4 day thing fingers crossed that I am better by the end of the weekend. 

Tomorrow, Vancouver, and some pictures! 

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