Friday 14 April 2017

The Silken Ladder

We went south a couple of days earlier than we needed to so that we could go to a Scottish Opera thing; a concert performance of Rossini's La Scala di Seta in the afternoon followed by a reception with the cast and conductor, and canapés from the excellent Eusebis served on the new-ish balcony and roof terrace.
I'm not particularly well versed in Rossini's work, other than the Barber of Seville and The Thieving Magpie, both of which are enjoyable but neither of which have led me to seek out his other work. Too fussy and too shrill is what I normally think when I hear the name Rossini; I also think of tournedos, which is odd as I've never eaten tournedos Rossini and doubt I'd enjoy it.
La Scala di Seta (The Silken Ladder) is a little one act comic thing. We'd never seen it before and we wouldn't have gone all the way to Glasgow for it has we not been able to combine it with our trip to Stockholm, but we enjoyed it very much. The music was lovely, the singers were good to excellent, and the soprano was wearing a dress that I spent much time drooling over, despite the fact that it was four decades too young and probably six sizes too small for me. If only we could turn back time ...
The weather was great and we managed to get out on to the roof terrace for the first time ever ...

Enjoying the spring sunshine in Glasgow

This is a bit wonky, but just to show that, like many Victorian cities Glasgow has some very Italianate architecture

and some not so Italianate, but at least this photo isn't on the slant.

And the OH, enjoying himself.


  1. I don't think I've ever even heard of it before - mind you, I'm not big on Rossini either. I'm glad it was good!

    1. nor had I. In fact if you look up a list of Rossini operas there are lots and lots, and most of them I'd never heard of. I suspect that many of them are like this; little comic one- acters that no-one bothers putting on any more.
