Thursday 24 November 2016


Life is happening faster than I can blog it just now which explains why I am catching five minutes just to say I'm stil here and golly is that the time?

I know I haven't finished our adventures in Sussex, I haven't mentioned the UHI Postgrad conference, nor the new living room that greeted me when I got back, we were back in Glasgow doing exciting, mainly Scottish Opera related things last week and this time next week I'll be packing to go to Stockholm. After which we have a visitor straight away and then it will be about two weeks to Christmas....
Will I be ready? I expect so, it usually pans out OK although as I like to poit out to Certain People who shall be nameless it only pans out OK because I run around like a headless chicken making it so.
Meanwhile I'll be back tomorrow, and if I've had the pictures sent to me it will be Penshurst at last. Otherwise it might be something rather less exciting1

1 comment:

  1. Sounds exhausting! Hope it's all enjoyable too 😉😉
