Friday 26 August 2016

Project 60 Number 31 - Growing Strawberries

So this one is a really serendipitous thing. We certainly never set out to grow strawberries. A while back we went to a cream tea/open day event for a local community garden, which was very nice and this being Orkney we bought some raffle tickets. I did my usual crack about how I didn't know why we bothered because we never won anything.

Well lo and behold! two days later up the drive comes a lady a=in a car bearing our raffle prizes! Yes, we had won not one, but two. One was a glasses case and I'm not too sure where that is, but the other one was a  tray of strawberry plants.

This involved us in the purchase of a strawberry planter, which you may have spotted a few posts back when I put up a picture of the little terrace by the back door.

So convinced am I that we have what is colloquially known as Black Thumb that I was delighted when the plants got flowers! You can imagine how even more delighted I was when we got back from Sweden and the OH harvested our first ever strawberry.

No, you're not imagining things, it IS totally tiny. But it is indisputably a strawberry. And look, there are more to come! If the birds don't get there first.

1 comment:

  1. Ooh, well done! I've never had any success growing strawberries H xx
