Monday 15 August 2016

Project 60 No. 29 - well I didn't see that one coming!

I would never have seen it in a million years since it is being featured in a national newspaper.

Someone gave details of the crowd funder to The National and I was rung up out of the blue by a reporter on Friday and asked questions, some of which were easy to answer of the cuff and some of which weren't.
There was a write up in the paper on Saturday. Fortunately the photograph of me which was sent to them was not used, much to my relief.
It brought in a little flurry of donations over the weekend, so was worth it, but it was still quite mortifying.
In an irony not lost on me it features my quote about wanting to do this 'without bells and whistles, no trumpets no fanfares'
Ah well, another step closer to the sixty I suppose.

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