Tuesday 10 May 2016

Off Again!

Back to Glasgow via boat bus and train tomorrow. Back Sunday night. I'm mainly going to see my supervisor who has already managed to annoy me about this meeting by asking if there is any new work he should read before I see him on Thursday. Since he has yet to offer any comments on the last lot he was sent at the end of March the answer is No, there is no new work, because I'm still waiting for feedback on the last lot. Suspect he hasn't read it to be honest.
The OH, who isn't yet quite recovered from his1800 mile trip last weekend will join me on Friday. On Saturday we're going to an auction in the morning and to see The Mikado in the evening, then we'll come back to Orkney on Sunday.
I wasn't that bothered about The Mikado really since I am not a huge G & S fan, but it is Scottish Opera and when we had our production facilities tour we did see a girl manfully struggling to find a way to make her fabric fit  together so that it looked like the designer's sketch so the OH feels obliged to go and see it. Having been truly appalled by the cost of parking when we went to see Rusalka we may well be taking a taxi to the theatre and back. There used to be a reasonable rate if you parked after six, but alas no longer.
Quite what I'll be doing on Friday I don't know; I may be able to meet up with my Ravelry pal A, or I may be knocking up a voodoo doll....who can tell?
Anyway normal service, or what passes for it here, should resume on Monday, because, hang onto your hats, we are both going to be in Orkney together for a whole week. Imagine that! 

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