Monday 21 March 2016

Project 60 - Number 20

Yay, a third of the way through - and here's a photo of number 20.

Yes, I've added jam to the marmalade and curd making. I'd have done the jam first if I'd known how much easier it was to make than either of the other two. Marmalade was such a faff and the curd took forever and a day to thicken, making me worry that it might have gone wrong. The jam was, by  comparison, a breeze and I will deffo do it again.

It was made with home grown raspberries and I will now relate a funny story. When we first came here we were full of good intentions about gardening - well about many things, but gardening was one of the main ones - and we duly joined the local gardening club. When asked about our plans for the garden I said the one thing we knew we definitely wanted to do was grow raspberries, at which point there was a hissing sound as everyone else in the room drew in their breath, closely followed by one old son of the soil delivering himself of the opinion that we'd 'never grow raspberries in Burray'. I damn well will I came away thinking, and we have. Our raspberry canes grow like weeds and we always have many more raspberries than we can comfortably accommodate in the freezer. In fact it was in an effort to clear some space in the freezer that I finally decided to make the jam.

And yes, it IS delicious!

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