Wednesday 30 December 2015

How was Yours?

Ours was, as usual, quiet. Nothing like the excitement this year of being in a foreign country and all being together to celebrate like last year, but that was always going to be a very special one-off.

And I wouldn't want to give the impression that we didn't have our own sort of quiet fun because we did. It was obviously the year of the gifted  clothing. I had put the word out and the OH got the Christmas jumper his heart has been craving

Son No 2 may not have been craving a Jedi bath robe but he was certainly delighted with it

as he seemed to be with his Dr Who Lego - I think they must have sold shedloads of this new box this Christmas

I had dropped quite a lot of hints about wanting a new dressing gown myself but obviously they fell on deaf ears. However this is not to say that I had a disappointing time, I didn't.
I don't have very many more pictures of Christmas as I didn't go wild this year with the camera, although there is a not very exciting one of the small cassata I did for dessert. I used to make one three times this size, but now there are only three of us to eat it, and given that you put on four pounds every time you walk past it I reduced the size this year. It was still lovey though.
Son No 1 and family Skyped late on on Christmas Day and we had phone calls form my sister and the OH's brother and mother. The weather was so disgusting that we didn't get our once traditional Christmas morning walk to the beach though.
And then it was all over for another year. I know a lot of people hate the 'hanging time' between Christmas and New Year but I love it because I get all sort of odd things done, that need doing but that I can't find the time for normally. Clearing out my deleted e-mails, re-organising my Ph D folders, both virtual and real, ridding the house of extraneous cardboard boxes (if we didn't need them for posting Christmas presents then they aren't needed at all) and catching up with letters that have languished far too long needing to be answered.
Oh and I may have booked a rather special holiday this morning as well.......


  1. That is an outstanding jumper! :)

    We had a quiet but very enjoyable day too, and Erica and I worked out it was actually about 26 years since we'd seen each other on the actual day!

  2. wow! 26 years. that's what life does to siblings though, last time I spent time with my sister at Christmas would be 2003 at my Mum's; Mum dies the next April and sister went with her family to the USA for four years after that. And we moved to Orkney while she was away.
