Thursday 24 December 2015


Christmas Candles

It's Christmas. I can't quite believe how easy, for once, the journey to get here was. Cards all hung, presents from us and to us have all arrived, the cassata for dessert tomorrow has been in the fridge for hours, the turkey is defrosting, the house is clean, as are the inhabitants (except maybe for the odd cat paw) and I do believe we are ready.
I had an image in my head for a long time about how the Christmas tree would look in the new sunroom surrounded by parcels and stockings and how I'd have candles all along the windowsills and I'd sit there as it got dark and watch the flames. And lo! it even came to pass.
I remember someone once giving a talk in church about how easy it was to let Christmas become routine, but I don't think that's ever been the case with me. For many years it was just hugely stressful and I hated it, but aa time has gone on it has got easier. And as I've got older I think I've got easier too. And most years have been a little different to the previous one, so routine has never set in.
Perhaps for everyone as we stack up more Christmases it becomes less about the stuff and more about the intangible things that are the ones that really matter; being with the people you love, talking time out from ordinary life to reflect on all the good things of life, perhaps even to think about those who aren't as fortunate as ourselves.
Whoever you are with tomorrow, however or whatever you are celebrating, I wish you peace and joy and all that you would wish yourself, for that day, and all the ones that follow.  

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