Monday 2 February 2015

Run That Past Me Again?

So, while I was waiting for my op last week I fell into desultory conversation with a woman who was there supporting a family member who was about to have the op too. She was bemoaning the general lack of good stuff to watch on TV at present and how, to find anything worth watching, she had to fall back on repeats of Midsomer Murders and Wycliffe. I wasn't up for an argument, partly because I am too polite and too sensible to argue with strangers over something as ephemeral and generally trivial as TV schedules, and partly because my mind was focussed on what was to come and how I'd cope.
But really, nothing worth watching? Between New Year and Easter is generally when you get the best of evening television and this year is no exception. I find some good drama to watch nearly every day of the week.
Sunday - Last Tango in Halifax
Monday - Broadchurch
Tuesday - 
Wednesday - Wolf Hall
Thursday - Death in Paradise and Fortitude
Friday - NCIS
OK there's a drama gap on Tuesdays, which fills quite nicely with new series of a couple of property programs I watch and Thursday also has new Location Location Location. episodes. And this week sees the return of The Great British Sewing Bee.
I've got quibbles. Last Tango fell back on a bit of melodrama mid-series, which I forgave, mostly, because the rest of it is so good. I'm not feeling the love for Broadchurch 2 that I felt for the original but that doesn't  mean it's not good, and in fact it's getting better week on week. Death in Paradise is formulaic and feel good TV and has never been the same since the great Ben Miller left, but it's still an enjoyable, well acted, well scripted ensemble piece of escapism in a beautiful setting. (Every week I say to the OH 'This is filmed in Guadeloupe you know' and every week he manages to ignore the hint and not say back  'I think  we should go there for some winter sunshine this year'.) Fortitude I'm not sure about, as we've only had episode one, but I'll be sticking with it for now; great cast, great location and interesting premise.
Wolf Hall is, with one teensy weensy exception, quite brilliant. The exception? I'll save that for another day.
As for Wycliffe I've never managed to stay with a complete episode. I think they only make it for insomniacs, to help them sleep. Do you know when someone mentions it I sort of think of it in black and white! And yet, as you see, they do make it in colour.


  1. Agreement on every point from me. I think Fortitude has great possibilities - I was amazed when it ended, because it just seemed to fly by!

    What is it about Wycliffe?? I have really tried hard, on several occasions, to watch a whole one, and I just can't.....

  2. I know, it's weird. Possibly it's because they all sound so bored? Or do they leach out the colour in the filming? Like you, I've tried several times, because let's face it, I'm a sucker for a good crime drama, but this is just snoozeville. Mind you, the books are much the same, tried one of them once and didn't get all the way through it.
