Friday 6 February 2015

2015 - Mostly about the socks

I have a large number of sock wool skeins living in my house. I also have large amounts of other wool, but lets not go there. I have therefore decreed that 2015 is The Year of the Sock, in an attempt to get some of it used up. So far, so good....

These two pairs were made of a couple of balls of random sock yarn I bought last year sometime at a café cum craft centre near Perth. I bought them because I liked the colours of the top one, and knew the OH would be delighted with socks made from the bottom one. This was before I forced myself to realise that just because you are walking past a shelf of attractive sock yarn you do not actually have to buy from it.

Funnily enough I had never made myself a pair of stripy socks from a self striping sock yarn before but I have now. Plain vanilla sock pattern with self striping yarn from The Yarn Café, especially dyed for them by The Knitting Goddess. The yarn is called Mint Cream, for obvious reasons.

And the piece de resistance for January - Firenze socks designed by Rachel Coopey, yarn by The Knitting Goddess. This is the June yarn and pattern from the KG 2013 Sock Club; my cunning plan is to complete this by the end of the year. I've done Jan-March and now June  so a third down. Then of course I can get started on the 2014 Club. Having learned my lesson I have not signed up for 2015.
I do love these Firenze socks although they were a bit of a piglet to knit tbh. However the pattern is lovely and the best thing about them is that, like all Rachel's patterns, these are a really good fit on me.
Four skeins down - can't be bad . OK the bright yellow ones I did in fact finish before Christmas, so that the OH could have them as a present and wear them in Canada, but it was the beginning of my drive to use up a lot of the sock wool so I think it's allowable to include them here. And they do cheer the page up!

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