Wednesday 26 March 2014

Return of The Woodentops

Shetland is back. I was quite pleased, OH less so. We were watching the second episode and he said 'You know, he cant even move his ears'.

Now even I, after 34 years of marriage, found that one a bit puzzling.

'Yer wot?' (Yes we do talk like that sometimes, and if you think that's bad you should hear us when we're putting on funny voices and pretending to be one of the cats.)
'Spotty Dog,' he said. 'Spotty Dog was that wooden, but at least he had very eloquent ears.'

I cannot deny that Spotty Dog, a puppet in a long defunct children's TV series called The Woodentops and set on a farm, did indeed have eloquent ears. Or at least that when he wagged them everyone on the farm seemed to understand what he was trying to say.
I have to say that Shetland is slow. And not in a good way like The Killing or The Bridge. However I have enjoyed watching it for the scenery and also spotting all the places we went to when we did a brief trip to Shetland a few years ago now.
I think the books are more involving, and the criticism I recently read that Shetland was becoming too like Midsomer with an unbelievably high body count is a wee bit justifiable.

Quiz question  - which of these two wooden feature artists communicates best? 

Douglas Henshall in Shetland


  1. Hmmm. I think I messed up - my first attempt at a comment has disappeared into the ether. Too early in the morning for me, to be honest!

    I used to do a mean impression of Spotty Dog, so I am clearly too good to be in 'Shetland'! Still enjoying it, though.

  2. I have to say that I am not nearly so irritated by Dougie Henshall as Andy is. He's quite pleasant to look at in that open faced, sandy haired Scottish sort of way.
    And the scenery is lovely - although not nearly as nice as Orkney, of course.
