Saturday 22 March 2014

For Those Who Like Birds....

could I recommend this site?

It's a webcam set up by the University of Sheffield on a peregrine nesting platform.

My late brother-in-law pointed us in its direction last year and we wasted spent many a happy hour watching. We joined in after the eggs had hatched last time, but this time we're there before the eggs have all been laid so should get to see them hatch..

Just a quick word of warning; once they start feeding the fledglings there's an awful lot of dead pigeon bits being torn apart on camera, so if you're squeamish about that sort of thing possibly best to give this a miss.

I am a bit squeamish, but I'm also pigeon phobic, so the sight of dead ones being torn  to bits and eaten doesn't bother me.

I did post about this and the link last year, but now that it's active again it seemed worth a reminder.

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