Sunday 28 April 2013


Apparently it's ten years since the Laurence Olivier Awards (the Larrys)  were broadcast on TV and having sat through about 30 minutes of tonight's broadcast I can only hope that it will be another ten years before they do it again. It was grim. Where else in the world, with the possible exception of a conference of successful insurance salesmen, could you come across such a large crowd of self-congratulatory, self -aggrandising and  self - satisfied people? The only good thing as far as I was concerned was when I glanced up during the quick 'other awards given earlier this evening included...' section and saw that Nicola Walker had won an award as best supporting actress. I think Nicola Walker is a great actress and it pleased me to see that recognised. Other than that it was a rare waste of time.

And for those amongst you muttering darkly about how, if I didn't like it I could have switched the television off or over, you are quite correct. Except that it was only background noise while I was knitting and as I was concentrating on counting stitches and the remote control was half a room away it would have been too much of an interruption to my work. As it is I blame someone called ?Sheridan Smith for the error in line10 which meant I had to pull out two whole rows of my work. Still with only 68 stitches to the row it wasn't a huge setback.

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