So, yesterday we went off to the local Leisure centre where the cinema is, to see The War of the Rohirrim. Son no.2 was keen and was sure he would enjoy it, the OH thought he wouldn't, and I knew I wouldn't because it is a cartoon - sorry - anime, and as anyone who has been here for longer than five minutes is aware, I loathe cartoons. I particularly loathe anime ones because everyone has a very pointy chin and a strange upturned little nose - and after yesterday I can add that all the horses are basically square.
Actually we all quite enjoyed it. perhaps going into things with very low expectations is the key? The plot was derivative and had holes you could have ridden a cavalry regiment through, and as with anything Peter Jackson has even a remote connection with, it was a bit too long. But only a bit, it wasn't a three hour indulgence fest. Some of the detail in the background drawing was really beautiful and the soundtrack was fine, if a bit insistent.
About 10 minutes from the end the fire alarm went off and we had to troop out and stand on the front steps in the freezing cold. I should add that the cinema itself was quite cold anyway but it was much, much worse outside. The OH was all for abandoning the film and going off to Tesco's to do the big shop but I wanted to see how it ended and I didn't think it was going to take them long to establish that there actually wasn't a fire and let us all back in. It didn't, we went back and saw the end, which was satisfying and, again rather oddly for a PJ film, didn't hold out the certainty of an equally long follow up, so I was glad I had stuck to my guns for once and insisted we stay.
Of course we still had to do the big shop afterwards, but at least we weren't left doomed forever to wonder what had happened to Hera, daughter of Helm.
We actually got out for a walk today, the first time we've been able to do that - well, all the Christmas break really. We've popped out for stuff, like the Post Office and the occasional bottle of milk but otherwise it's all been about staying in and snuggling up, which generally I'm all for but it hasn't made for much interesting to write about.
Life should get back to almost normal tomorrow though, and even more so after Wednesday when Son No 2 returns to the Big City.
I'll be watching it when it hits the TV screen somewhere, but I thoroughly agree with you about anime style!