It snowed yesterday , not just showers where the snow disappeared almost as soon as it hit the ground but real proper snow that lay. (In fact there is still some lying now a day later). It was also bitterly cold, so definitely a staying in day. I spent the morning doing various boring chores, and in the afternoon curled up in front of the fire and read the Margery Allingham book that I bought recently.
I really enjoyed it. It takes the form of several essays, several by Kate Davies herself but others by various experts on Allingham, social history, cultural history etc. Lots of wonderful photographs included too. I especially enjoyed the two on the social and cultural effects of WW2 .
There are 11 patterns included in the book, many of which look 'extremely interesting' to knit, which is code for, they have an unusual construction which I probably couldn't manage and the finished article would be no good for anyone with a less than model girl figure. So I doubt I will knit any of them, but never say never.
Sounds interesting! I love Kate Davies' designs, but a lot of them would look awful on me ;)