Thursday 2 March 2023

Yesterday was a DAY

 It was one of those days when a whole series of small things went wrong; things that you would shrug off if only one happened but which can seem overwhelming when they stack up in the space of a few hours.

It started with me dropping one of my advent shower gel bottles on the floor of the bathroom. It shouldn't be a problem since they're plastic, they should bounce, right? It didn't. It broke and since I was trying to decide at the time which one of several to use it was a wee while before I noticed that shower gel was oozing over the floor.  I suppose it had the advantage of making the decision about which one to use fairly easy.

After my shower  I went off to have breakfast and take my Omega 3 capsule. It was a new make, as my Tesco torpedoes had run out. This one was smaller and in theory easier to manage. It got stuck in my throat. I mean really stuck. Stuck to the extent that I could hardly follow the OH's advice to drink lots of water to wash it down as the water itself wasn't going down, it was coming back out through my nose or just running back out of my mouth. (Apols to anyone who finds that TMI!) I was scared. Eventually it went down but it took ages. Perhaps foolishly I  tried again this morning with a similar, although   not quite so painful or protracted, result. I won't be trying again. 

Then we had to endure the latest episode in the on-gong fridge saga. Our fridge (part of an integrated fridge freezer died last Friday and the one place in Orkney that could source a replacement of the proper configuration had promised on Friday afternoon to send us details by e-mail of possible replacements. Nothing having arrived by Tuesday lunchtime the OH went to the showroom (he was going shopping in town anyway, but even so, it's a long way, and time consuming) and the girl said she hadn't got around to it, she had been very busy since we had been in (which is odd considering that when we left on Friday there were still several hours of the work day to go, there was no-one else in the showroom and her phone wasn't ringing.) Be that as it may she promised to have something with us by the end of the day. Guess what? So the OH rang at 10 yesterday morning and she said she was 'doing it right that minute' and when nothing had arrived 90 minutes later I contacted the head office via Facebook Messenger. And about 20 minutes after that she rang and sent us some details. What a coincidence. It's going to take three weeks to arrive (yet another island dwelling 'bonus') , but they will at least deliver it to the door although they won't take away the old one. It has been very difficult managing without a fridge for a week and  I don't anticipate it will get easer while we wait for the replacement. And that's assuming it has actually been ordered. She said it had, but then she said she was sending us an e-mail several times before she actually did it. The moral of that is Beware Buildbase I think, although I accept that they are all locally managed and some branches may well be way more efficient than the one in Kirkwall seems to be. 

I was stressed and annoyed by this time so I decided to carry on with my  deep clean/declutter of my bathroom cupboards. Nothing like being a bit cross to aid ruthlessness when it comes to deciding what to keep and what to be rid of.  I planned to listen to an Audible book while I did this, a plan thwarted by my discovery that, contrary to my usual practice, I had forgotten to throw the switch on the socket when I put it to charge overnight. Then on  the top shelf of the cupboard  I had opted to deal with, I  discovered an open tube of Halls Menthalyptus sweets. The top one had obviously undergone some sort of metamorphosis, presumably on contact with air, and had stuck the packet and several other surrounding items to the shelf and to one another.  

I also found a lot of out of date medication, both prescription and over the counter stuff and had to endure a conversation with a quite stroppy doctor's receptionist who grudgingly said  I should drop off the prescription ones but she 'supposed it was all right just to throw the over the counter ones in the bin, she didn't know since they were certainly nothing at all to do with them.' Good grief, I only asked the question. It's annoying when something like that happens because you know if you used that tone of voice to her, or any of the surgery staff, you'd be in trouble for being aggressive, but aggression is OK when it's flowing in the other (patientwards) direction. 

Finally I received a piece of post which annoyed me quite a lot. 

As  I haven't been sleeping well recently I felt no guilt about going for a nap when the power saving period arrived (4 until 7 in the evening from our power company) and I felt a bit better when I woke up. I proceeded to finish these 

which I am massively pleased with. In fact I enjoyed making them so much I have ordered another set of the mini skeins I used in order to make the matching hat. So much for it being a stash busting project. 

The day before I  had also finished this jigsaw puzzle

which was fun and frustrating in almost equal measure. A keeper for sure. 

 I also had a message last evening via Ravelry from a friend whose husband has been very seriously ill for the last two weeks and is looking at a long recovery period and to be honest that put my own hiccup- y day into a bit more perspective. 

Feeling much more positive about today. 

1 comment:

  1. Wow, that was quite a day! And don’t talk to me about - well, not receptionists, actually, but patronising, ill-informed medical personnel who would go screaming to report me if I shouted at them the way they shouted at me. So I put in an official complaint!
