Friday 23 September 2022

Post Op Day 3 (already)

So on Tuesday I got up at daft o'clock, had a shower and then got taken off to the day care unit at the local hospital where someone took out my gall bladder, meaning that I can now revert to what used to be my normal diet, and also that  it is worth while going out for meals again because 95% of the menu is no longer forbidden to me. 

I am not in fact in a hurry to go out and eat. I am still quite tired and definitely still very sore, but I did manage to get dressed today which is an improvement on Wednesday and Thursday, and all being well I might tackle having a shower tomorrow. I'm a bit wary of getting in the shower lest I slip and burst my stitches, but on the other hand I would like to wash my hair - and the rest of me. 

In olden days it was apparently the habit of surgeons to present gall bladders, complete with stones, to the patients from whom they had been removed. Happily this seems no longer to be the case, otherwise I might have been tempted to take a photo and put it on this post. 

Which would have bene in very poor taste, no? 

1 comment:

  1. So glad it went well. My sister had hers removed, and has never looked back!
