Thursday 3 August 2017

Project 60 Number 54 Beaver Tails

Yes, I'm afraid this is another food entry.

We sampled beaver tails on Canada Day in Toronto. I had never heard of them before, but basically they are  flat layers  (can layers be anything but flat?) of some sort of pastry, which are friend and then have a topping of your choice popped on them This being North America the toppings tend to the gooey and sickly. 

If I recall correctly I had a Nanaimo topping which means chocolate and coconut and possibly some custard. Grandson number 1 had chocolate and banana which I suppose was a bit healthy. Details of what everyone else had are hazy to say the least. 

However they are a Grand Old Canadian  Tradition of which we have now partaken. Not sure I would do it again but you never know.

There you go - Nanaimo topping, 

Littlest grandson tucking into the OH's offering. They were huge, but given time I'm sure he could have managed one of his own. 

More tomorrow on Canada Day, but no mention, hopefully of food. 

1 comment:

  1. It's entirely possible to have lumpy, non-flat layers.

    My ironing pile used to provide many, many examples 😉
