Monday 31 October 2016

Project 60 Number 37 - Quite boring, but useful.

This is something I'm almost ashamed to say I have never done before, given that it's 2016 and all that,  but it's putting together a PowerPoint.

It is not the most exciting PowerPoint presentation in the history of the world , since it only has six slides, and one of those is a 'title page', but there again it's accompanying a three minute talk so it seems to me it will be quite good going to fit six slides in. 
The talk is at the UHI Staff and PostGrad Conference next week which is being held in the evilly  inclined beautiful city of Inverness and I'm sort of looking forward to it, although I suspect I am going to have to Share a Room, which I will not enjoy one bit. However it's only for two nights so I daresay I will cope.
Since I have no idea how to copy a slide from there into here you will have to make do with the title, which is The Lost Boy or Lessons from Letters.
I have two versions of the talk, one lasts six minutes and one lasts three. The six minute version is much better, but we are supposed to confine ourselves to three. Which one I deliver on the day will largely depend on how many other people have over run before me and how naffed off I am about it.


  1. Go for the six minutes! 😄😄😄

  2. I believe Inverness speaks well of you too !
