Tuesday 2 July 2013

Sort of scared - just a little bit.

Coming home from town this afternoon I started to experience what bitter past experience has taught me to call 'visual disturbances'.

Rang doctor to see if he could squeeze me in, but his advice was to go to the hospital, since if he saw me he'd probably send me there anyway.

At the hospital I saw a fairly impatient doctor who told me several times there was no ophthalmic surgeon available (which I knew; this is Orkney, specialists visit, or you get sent to see them). He told me what I was describing didn't sound like a floater, which I also knew. I've had that, I've had the retinal detachment of which it was a portent, I've had the op for the detachment which led to a huge macular hole four weeks later, and which was then followed by cataract development.
Anyway the hospital doctor  told me to go and see the optician tomorrow as he has a slit lamp and can look at my eye properly. Of course the strange moving wavy line disappeared after about 20 minutes, long before I got to the hospital and if I'd never had anything wrong with the other eye I would have shrugged it off as one of those things.
Trouble is once you have one eye that's become neither use nor ornament you get a bit panic-y when you think something might be going wrong with the single good eye you have left. I shall ring the optician in the morning and arrange to submit myself to the torture that is the slit lamp. I hope he will be able to reassure me that everything is in order. Because I don't know how I'll cope if it's not.

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