Monday, 3 March 2025

February Wool Stats and Other Things

 I was going to head this up, That was A WEEK, but I suspect all weeks for the foreseeable future will be WEEKS, so I'll save that heading in case I need it even more in the next couple of months. Meanwhile I feel like I'm subjecting myself to a drawn out human MOT really. Last week I went to the dentists ( back next week for a double extraction, oh joy!) and the doctors ( ENT referral, more joy ) and this week it's the optician's tomorrow and the hairdresser on Thursday. I think I can safely say that the only one of these things that has any chance of making me happy is the hairdresser. 

In addition to the appointments I have been going through more stuff. I am happy to say that the end appears to be in sight as the only things left to go through before we start the official packing are the large kitchen drawers, which are the OH's domain,  and what I call my Ph D bookcase. Albeit the bookcase is 7 fairly densely packed shelves but I did two of them this morning so progress. 

And so to the wool and February's projects. Unlike January there was some wool in, 220g to be exact which is 220g worse than nil but equally not a huge amount. Wool out was 989g; half of this was a donation - see below and the rest was either swapping for books or used up. 

The project photos look a bit meagre 

socks made from one of the weeks in the weekly advent from Skein and the Stitch, in hte colourway Curiouser and Curiouser

and these 

all those squares plus the 12" ones I made at the end of last year went off to Woolly Hugs last week along with the remains of the wool I had bought to make them ( see comment re donation above). Last autumn I said to a friend that I'd like a year of dong nothing but the mindless knitting and crocheting of blanket squares and she (rightly) predicted I'd be bored in a month. I did however get to learn how to change colour part way through a granny square and how to crochet solid ones so that's two new skills, as well as some much needed blanket squares and a welcome donation to a good cause. And a lesson  reinforced. There's only so much non-challenging knitting I can cope with.  

I've been adding bits to a couple of long term projects as well, and also, having 'gone through' my cross stitch supplies I have picked up an old stitching WiP too. So I'm not beating myself up over the lack of completed things (much) because I just don't have the time to do everything. But I've marked my report card 'Must Do Better' for March! 

1 comment:

  1. Such lovely bright colours for the squares! Hope all your appointments run smoothly xx
