Thursday, 28 November 2024

What We Bought in Chambery

 which apart from meals, wasn't much.

There will be more details of our time in Chambery in a later post; I am yet again running round in circles playing catch up at the same time as trying not to exhaust myself or really annoy my knee, which was not impressed with the steep streets which are inevitable in small towns in the Alps! 

On a wander around the town we were attracted by the look of  a small shop. We walked in and the OH said ‘this is a bit like that shop in Finland, there’s probably wool at the back’. Since we were navigating an aisle with loose teas on one side and beautiful kitchen tins on the other I said ‘I don’t think so’. And then we got to the back of the shop and ... there was the wool. 

As you will see I restricted myself to only three balls. It's sport weight which I haven't used before and I've looed out a few patterns to choose from. 

We also treated ourselves to a new Christmas mouse - couldn't resist her. We have yet to agree on a name; it has to be French and female and suitable for a mouse. Minette is as close as we have got but although we both like it neither of us is 100% convinced that it is exactly right. 

Tomorrow maybe a more substantive post but please  don't hold your breath. Christmas is coming and I'm trying to be all done and dusted by 8th of next month. Hope springs eternal! 

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