Thursday 9 May 2019

A(nother) pair of socks

Obviously in all the drama that was finishing off the thesis I wanted some plain knitting to do so I picked up a ball of Ravelry de-stash sock wool and cast on for my favourite as-plain-as-I-do socks. It's a 3x1 rib on the leg and instep because, despite evidence to he contrary, I always worry that socks with plain stocking stitch legs will fall down. They don't, but I always worry that hey will.

Anyway these were destined for the charity box but the OH saw them and his eyes lit up and he said 'Bright Socks!', so they are now his. 

We are about to go away for 10 days. The trip involves going to Leeds, then Glasgow, then mid-Devon then back to Orkney which is not the way you would organise it if you knew beforehand that you were gong to those places in close proximity time wise, but we thought we were just going down to Leeds and then back to Glasgow for a week. Sometimes life just catches you unawares and you end up doing stuff unexpectedly. 

Luckily, son no 2 having finished his studies for the current academic year was available to come and cat sit which means the cats don't have to go to the cattery and gives him a change of scene too. And after almost two years of going nowhere I'm not going to start grumbling about going away! Especially to do mainly nice stuff.

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