Friday 22 December 2017


I have been silent for a while , partly because I was having my traditional pre-Christmas meltdown, partly because I was struggling with the horror that is The Glasgow Lergy and partly because I have been busy knitting up the Ultimate Festive Bunting. And lo! due to my strenuous efforts the UFB is now complete and hanging up and here are some photos of it.

early days

almost there 


and done 

and hanging up. 

I am actually very pleased with how it turned out, except for the fact that the cast off edge curls over, thereby hiding the 233 s*dd*ng tiny beads I placed along the tie with a  crochet hook so small it was practically invisible to the naked eye, so rather negating the effort and intended effect. Next year I'll soak it and pin it out and hope that that will solve the problem; there really wasn't time to do that this year. 

It is perhaps the most uncharacteristic thing I have ever knitted but I'm really quite proud of it. It was fiddly and I had to learn a couple of new things for it but it was well worth it

There hasn't been much knitting on the blog recently, not because I haven't been doing any but because it was all for other people, for Christmas,  and some of them or their relations do read this occasionally. So there'll be  a bumper knitting post after Christmas.

Meanwhile, for the past couple of days I have been totally convinced it was Christmas Eve, and even now it's still two days away. As my cards are all done and my local presents delivered and the OH has twice in the last three days braved the horror that is Tescos in the run up to Christmas to get the food, I think I can now relax. I am told this will give the lergy time to run riot, and its course, thereby ensuring that I am fighting fit for Christmas. I remain to be convinced but it's worth a try. 

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful bunting!

    I hope the lurgy goes before Christmas Day xx
