Tuesday 12 January 2016

Adventures in Glasgow Part 3

I am well aware that it is taking me longer to blog abut our pre-Christmas visit to Glasgow than it took to make it, but fear not dear reader, we are almost at the end.

I should mention that I managed to grab lunch with my Glasgow dwelling Ravelry friend A again; we eschewed the sweet treats  of The Yarn Cake and went somewhere where we could have some coffee and later some soup for lunch. In the event the soup of the day wasn't the best I've ever had, being a bilious green in colour with an aftertaste to match. That said, I was there for the company not the food, and there was nothing wrong with that.
I also managed to drag the OH out to do some quick sight seeing. He does tend to stay manacled to the work laptop on these flying visits to Glasgow which is frustrating as there are so many interesting places to go in the area, but I do realise that Work Comes First. However it being a passingly nice day weather wise, we did something we've been meaning to do for ages and went to see The Kelpies.
For those who don't know, The Kelpies are the recently constructed tallest-in-the-world equine statues, although I think myself Equine Statues is pushing it a bit for the description since they are just  heads. They look like this

and this is a close up of the construction.


They're set in a piece of reclaimed industrial land which has been turned into a leisure park called The Helix - more information here

It may have been December, but as you can see it was a bright day of blue skies and even a little sunshine so we enjoyed our walk round the statues and along the canal. The café was OK, and the gift shop was fantabulous, picked up a couple of Christmas presents as well as the more usual postcards and fridge magnets. Well worth a visit, and lots more to do in the area - none of which we did because Work Called. But it was a fun time nonetheless.
Not featured in the pre-Christmas visit, but on an  earlier one I visited this exhibition, which was fantastic. Despite there being permission to take photos I didn't and I can't understand why - possibly I just didn't have my camera with me. Unusually arranged by colour rather than chronologically this was a fantastic exhibition - open until 14th February - and if you're within visiting distance and at all interested in textiles and costume you should definitely go.
So there you go. That  was Glasgow, fully blogged at last. Next up, some Project 60 stuff. Or some knitting, Or something that combines the two.....

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