Monday 3 February 2020

More honoured in the breach than the observance ...

I do occasionally look back over the blog to remind myself about things we have done over the years since it was started. What was that Oscar Wilde said about always having something sensational to read on the train? Not sensational in my case, but sometimes I get a laugh, or am reminded of something lovely that I'd forgotten about. Occasionally too I get reminded of painful things that I would rather forget, but hey-ho! all part of life's rich tapestry and all that. 

Last January I said that I was going to post pictures of my completed knitting projects as soon as they were done, and that was a very good dea and I'm only sad that I never really did it. Here however are all the projects since the last proper knitting post i.e. not counting the one about the WYS robin socks that  I did post almost as soon as they were finished. 

I did a lot of using up of leftovers in November and December. This was in part because I had a boxful, which was marked 'charity knitting' and I looked at it one day and thought, well its not going to knit itself up whether its for charity or not, if you don't do it, that wool is going to sit there festering. So I looked into the box rather than looking at it, took out a handful of wool and got started

I did some doll outfits

then I went a bit off piste and did these for the OH, the sock wool I got for him in The Yarn Cake back in the spring

a friend was expecting a baby so I bought some wool in Linlithgow that day and made this. Rather bright, but it was to go with a Herdy all in one thing  see here and the orange matched exactly. 

It was a nice pattern and the recipient loved it so that was good. In line with anew resolution to use up left over wool almost immediately if possible the remnants from this became another doll outfit. 

Another friend unexpectedly became a grandmother - well not unexpectedly for her, but she had kept it rather quiet until it happened, so once I knew I went stash diving, pulled out some Drops baby wool and made this. This is the third time I've made this jacket, I love the pattern (side to side so very little sewing up to do at the end!!) and people like the result, so a win-win. 

Then it was back to the charity box for lots of prem baby hats and a couple of small gowns

and finally, for the Ravelry Archers Group Kal, which was for knitting up some deep stash I did these. Not as old as all that but it is a pair of socks from The Knitting Goddess Sock club back in 2015. Or possibly 2014, I forget. Ages ago anyway, After I had committed to these I discovered one of the reasons that I had put off doing them previously was obviously because they had what is known in the trade as an an 'afterthought heel'. If I were still dong project 60 I would have fallen on this as a 'new thing'. As it was, it was still a new thing and not one I am in a hurry to repeat, But the socks themselves are rather splendid. 

And tomorrow or very soon anyway I must get around to blogging about EuroDisney!


  1. I love that little orange jacket!

  2. Debbie Bliss pattern - which you probably guessed when you saw all the moss stitch! It IS a lovely pattern though.
