Friday 23 August 2019

Meet Sherbert!

Sherbert is the latest recruit to the serried ranks of bears who live here. Bears and wool have this in common here, that the cry of 'No More' is frequently heard in the house in relation to them but you know, sometimes you just have to Give In. 

Sherbert comes from the very lovely people at  Skate Ruffle Alpacas. We thoroughly enjoyed two visit there last year; sadly they have not been open to visitors this summer but we live in hope of going again next year. Meanwhile I follow them on Facebook and a few days ago they posted a picture of this bear who was off to a local shop to find  a new home.

I looked at it and fell in love, then I showed it to the OH, who is the official bear collector of the family, and he fell in love and the next day we went to the shop to buy her. Sadly she had not yet arrived, or if she had arrived she had yet to be unpacked, they were a bit vague to be honest, but we reserved her and  yesterday we were finally able to pick her up and bring her home. Where to her great joy she discovered that one of her brothers was already here ....


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