Monday 5 September 2016

Project 60 - Number 34

This has to be a quick one as I have a very busy day, but here's a pic

That's a long tail cast on. Something which, like Jenny's Exceedingly Stretchy Bind Off  of blessed memory  hadn't previously  bothered my knitting mind. However I have a new knitting project which called for a long tailed cast on, and despite it being extra complicated because I was using two colours, and despite the fact that I had to follow a You Tube video to cast on every single stitch because I just couldn't 'get' it, I managed in the end.
I have to say that actually I rather liked the resulting edge and I can see that another time, when a project I am comfortable with (which the current one isn't), calls for a long tailed cast on I might well actually use it, rather than declare 'Blow that for a game of soldiers' and use my normal over the thumb method.

1 comment:

  1. I love the long-tail cast on. It looks super with the alternating colours - I've never been brave enough to try that!
